Holger Spamann

Holger Spamann examines the myths and reality of common and civil law

What determines a judge’s decision? By Prof. Holger Spamann

ECGI Conversations Series with Holger Spamann

Common Law vs. Civil Law – Prof. Holger Spamann (Harvard)

Indirect Investor Protection

STL LHSS: Common v. Civil Law - 'The Emperor Has No Clothes'

Harvard Law School LL.M. Centennial | Plenary 4: The Future

GCGC 2023: Session 3 on the 'Anti-Activist Poison Pills' & 'Shareholder Rights'

Welcome & Introduction and Session 5: Which Corporate Victims Get Justice?

HLS Library Book Talk | Missing the Target: Why Stock-Market Short-Termism Is Not the Problem

Executive compensation and short-termism

HLS in the World | Why Does the Law Resist Rigorous Empiricism?

Dia 4 - Painel 2 - 19/04/18 - Harvard BSA Legal Symposium

Does Agency Structure Dictate Agency Decisionmaking?...

Investor Ideology

Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance: Part 2

Do common law and code law judges behave differently?

Dr Holger Hestermeyer | UK After Brexit Event | CAGE Warwick

Choose your new study room. Part 2 | #shorts

The Legal Systems We Live In Today

The Myth of Common Law in VA

Lawyers and Firms and Corporate Entities, Oh My! | The Laws of Capitalism Episode 3

Power and Alliances: The Trans-Atlantic Partnership in a Changing World

How Martial Arts Helped to be a Lawyer? #lawyer #martialarts #monklife #losangeles #personalinjury